Flash forward to the Nintendo Switch. A system with a simple yet ingenious concept and Nintendo fans got hooked. I'm talking currently outsold every previous Nintendo Home Console hooked. However, one thing that Nintendo fans noticed since that original trailer back in October of 2016, was the footage of Mario Kart 8 running on Switch. This later turned into Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. With that announcement and the success of that port, Nintendo and a few other developers started to take the games that were stuck on Wii U and port them to Switch, sometimes with extra features, updated controls, Quality of Life Improvements, or even new content/DLC.
So today Arza, Shadow, and I are going to look at almost all the major Wii U ports that came to Nintendo Switch and see if they are the new Definitive way to play the games, a Deluxe model of a great game, or just port to help get others to become new fans.
Let's see if these games are Definitive, Deluxe, or Ports.