While I do think that most Wii U games could work on the Switch, there are still some titles that I feel just don't belong. Whether the GamePad use of the game was too great or the game just wasn't that good to me. I'm taking a look at some Wii U games that I don't want on Nintendo Switch. Also, if these games do end up coming to Switch...
I'm kidding, its perfectly fine. If Nintendo or some other publisher can find a way to do it, great. These games aren't bad, I just feel that they might be awkward/hard to port. Nevertheless, these are...
10) Zelda HD Remakes - I know I put these games on the last list and I do think that they would be a good fit and doing this provides more Zelda variety for the Switch. However, there are negatives to this. It does seem really odd to port enhanced HD ports of games that just came from the last system. While I can see the HD upgrade Wind Waker, its a tad harder to tell in Twilight Princess, and if Nintendo does decide to implement Virtual Console it could cause a bit of a debate whether to port these remakes or the originals, though that's just a guess on my part. They're not bad games to port, but I did want to look at both sides of the coin.
9) Mario Vs. Donkey Kong Wii U Games (Tipping Stars & Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge) - While not my super favorites, I do enjoy these games, I like the puzzle gameplay, the decent art style, and I like semi-world building these games kind of create. I also like how Nintendo handled there distribution with Tipping Stars being Cross-Buy and amiibo challenge being free-to-play. However, the game is heavily based on Touch-Screen Controls and I feel that Nintendo would almost have to make this a game that is only playable in handheld mode. I don't think that Nintendo themselves should make completely handheld only game, at least not yet and not with one of their "bigger" franchises, although this would be a good game to start with if they did decide to go that route. I wouldn't hate to see this game, but give it some time before we do.
8) Kirby and The Rainbow Curse - I love this game, its Kirby, how can you not love him? I just don't want this game on Switch, at least not yet. I think the only problem with this game is that it is super reliant on the Game-Pad. Not saying that it can't be ported because of its functionality, quite the opposite, its just that the functionality itself relies upon drawing on the touchscreen for the entirety of the game. Again, I don't think that Nintendo themselves should make a game completely Handheld Mode only yet. This is why this game is over MvsDK, because this clearly is one of Nintendo's biggest franchises and, unlike the previous entry, the game would lose the multiplayer feature unless you made it local multiplayer using other systems, but I feel like that would be more of a hassle and they would have to take that out. Again, I think that this game on Switch could work, but it has to be at the right time when we wouldn't mind seeing a big Nintendo franchise only being playable in Switch's handheld mode.
7) Wonderful 101 - I think what ultimately makes me not want to see this game is the heavy use of the game-pad and how that helped give the game its style. The game's main mechanic isn't too reliant on the Game Pad, as proven by the fact you could just use the Pro Controller, but to me it feels like you take a good portion. It isn't too problematic, and that mechanic doesn't take away from the fun hack n' slash game-play that Platinum Games is known for so that is why it isn't so high on this list and why I put this game on my honorable mentions from the last list. I just think that game-pad is used just enough for me to say it definitely needs a workaround if they do decide to port it to Switch.
(Just don't do what #1 did... )
(Just don't do what #1 did... )
6) Game & Wario - I originally was going to put Nintendo Land on the list, but I thought long and hard about it and I thought while it might be hard to port I could see this on Switch or a sequel to the game. Game & Wario on the other hand I can't. I won't say there are parts of the game I don't enjoy because some of these mini-games are fun. However, not only are the rest not as fun, they don't translate so well outside of a Game-Pad. I could only count about 3 Nintendo Land games you probably couldn't adapt on Switch. This game, yeah that's a bit harder to count, some of them are really on the nose. I won't say this game is bad, and I would like to see a proper WarioWare Game again, but this game is not a Switch-worthy port.
5) Lost Reavers - I feel a little bad putting a game on here that is entirely FREE, but... yeah I got over it. This game isn't too bad and I wouldn't mind seeing another game similar it on Switch, but this game in particular is just so bare bones. The idea of the game is interesting and the game controlled okay, not to mention the idea of playing with your friends online or locally is fun. However, the way this game handles it is so... bleh... I didn't find a challenge when I first played, I never once thought that my team and I weren't going to finish our goal and get the treasure. The environments are bland, the enemies are cardboard, and I didn't enjoy myself as much as I thought I would. Honestly, I found this game really forgettable and I don't think that a Switch Port is going to help this. If Bandai Namco wants to take the ideas of this game and reshape them into something cool for Nintendo Switch, by all means do it. However, this game we can just keep on Wii U.
- The name of the game is Wii Sports Club, that doesn't even sound right on a Switch. Honestly, it didn't sound quite right on Wii U. The "Wii" name is unfortunately dead at this point.
- The game had almost nothing to offer on Wii U, with only two games really taking advantage of the Game-Pad, so there is really nothing that special about this game and taking away the "special" stuff would seem pointless.
- The online wasn't really that fun and quite frankly I preferred the original version's local co-op. In addition, the pay mechanic, at least digitally, was so tedious and unnecessary. Paying for a special Pass just for one sport, for a limited time if you want it cheaper, to this overpriced "Club" was just a bad decision.
3) Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival - This spin-off game is a perfect example of why you should never have amiibo as a requirement for a multiplayer game, even if amiibo come bundled in. Porting this to Nintendo Switch will not change a single thing about this game. The main board game mode would still be pretty dull and the amiibo support would still feel tacked on. While I wouldn't mind some elements of this game, mainly the island survival mini-game, to be in a real Animal Crossing game, this game however isn't worth a port to Switch.
2) Devil's Third - I do give credit that this game tried to reach a broader audience on Wii U and I do think it has... something to it... But ultimately, I don't think this game is worth the port. I feel like if a game that was originally on Wii U is going to be ported to Nintendo Switch, it should have something special to it that will give something special to Nintendo Switch. This game doesn't really have that. The game-play doesn't look very unique and neither does the story either. Not to mention we have games like DOOM, Skyrim, L.A. Noire on Nintendo Switch, I don't think this offers anything for the "hardcore M-Rated market". I just don't think this game could offer much if it was ported. If you want a good M-Rated game on both Switch and Wii U, leave that to Bayonetta.
Honorable Mentions
New Super Mario Bros. U - I only mention this game because I want to see another 3D multiplayer Mario game like 3D World before a game like this, although I do want to see a game like this.
Yoshi's Woolly World - I was going to put this on the list, but I thought"they ported it to 3DS" so I see no reason why it can't be on Switch.
New Super Mario Bros. U - I only mention this game because I want to see another 3D multiplayer Mario game like 3D World before a game like this, although I do want to see a game like this.
Yoshi's Woolly World - I was going to put this on the list, but I thought"they ported it to 3DS" so I see no reason why it can't be on Switch.
Super Mario Maker - Again I thought of if they only make this a handheld game, but this seems like an easy fix and this game did have cursor controls so I thought it would be an easier transfer.
Nintendo Land - I think that this game could work, but if Nintendo does decide to use this franchise we might see a sequel over a port.
Star Fox Zero - Again, we might see a sequel first, or they make the sequel and package this game with it.
Super Smash Bros. - HA HA, YEAH RIGHT... We all know that its coming...
Star Fox Zero - Again, we might see a sequel first, or they make the sequel and package this game with it.
Super Smash Bros. - HA HA, YEAH RIGHT... We all know that its coming...
1) Zombi U - I mentioned throughout some points in this list that taking the game-pad elements out of certain Wii U Games can make them lose their charm. In this case, Zombi U would lose its entire identity, I thought that this game had a very clever control scheme. Using the game-pad as not only a traditional FPS Controller, but as a necessary tool against the hoards of zombies. Not to mention the game had some decent ideas when using the game-pad in tangent with what's going on in game. I just don't feel that the game works without this, and what ultimately proves this point, in my mind anyway, is that they already did this. This game was ported onto other consoles as ZOMBI, and from my findings people still preferred the Wii U Version. According to Metacritic, the PS4/XBox versions scored lower than the Wii U Version. How you feel about the ports is of course your own opinion, but I do think that without the charm of the Wii U Controls, you take a lot of the charm away from this game. By literally taking the "U" away from Zombi U, you lose a lot of what made the game fun.
This of course is all just my own little opinion and if Nintendo does decide to release any of these games on the Switch, great, maybe they knew how to make the games work. I would like to know what you guys think though. What games from Wii U, or any other consoles for that matter, do you NOT want to see on Nintendo Switch? Leave a comment down below, I would really like to know how you guys feel and read your opinions.
Thanks for reading on through and I hope you keep on reading. There will be more where this came from. Catch you guys later.
Hmm... What should I do for a little teaser? I'm trying to think of stuff, but my brain goes off tangent to something...
This of course is all just my own little opinion and if Nintendo does decide to release any of these games on the Switch, great, maybe they knew how to make the games work. I would like to know what you guys think though. What games from Wii U, or any other consoles for that matter, do you NOT want to see on Nintendo Switch? Leave a comment down below, I would really like to know how you guys feel and read your opinions.
Thanks for reading on through and I hope you keep on reading. There will be more where this came from. Catch you guys later.
Hmm... What should I do for a little teaser? I'm trying to think of stuff, but my brain goes off tangent to something...
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