These reviews are more simplistic. Covering some of the important points of each game and having the same grading scale, but are smaller compared to the big game reviews. Also, this doesn't mean that the games covered here won't be given big reviews later. This is just a way to talk about some smaller games or give my general opinions on big games that I didn't/haven't given a full review for.
What games do you want to see get reviewed next? Let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of these games?
Today's Games
DOOM (Switch Version)Rocket League (Switch Version)
DOOM - Many might think that the Nintendo Switch can't handle big AAA games, or that if it does get them they'll end up inferior compared to the big consoles. DOOM for Switch takes that statement and throws it in the trash. DOOM is an amazing FPS and bringing it to Switch was an outstanding idea. Normally I don't play First Person Shooters, but when I tried Doom on XBOX and I was hooked. I enjoyed way more than other shooters like Call Of Duty and I hoped it would come to Switch so I could play it more on a system I played more often, my wish of course came true and for the most part, this port holds up really well. I like how easy it was for me to pick up the controls and start playing, getting into battles against different demons and zombies was actually really cool and getting through each horde of monsters was really fun. Speaking specifically for Switch, the game does have a few moments with muddy textures if you look in just the right spots and I have noticed some frame-rate dips in more intense situations, but those moments were really few and far between so I really don't think that its a huge issue. The Switch version also lacks the SnapMap feature, a level editor you can use for online play, while I don't think it takes away from the fun at all, if you liked this feature on other versions you might be disappointed. One thing that does bug me personally is the lack of a real motion control option for gyro aiming. There is one for Glory Kills, but it doesn't replace the actual feature and I think it would've fit for Switch. Its disappointing, but I do like the normal controls. For the game in general (meaning no matter what console you're on), I did find myself getting lost sometimes in the environments and sometimes I found it was hard to see the smaller enemies, so I did find myself getting hit when I didn't want to. Also, you need to be on the move constantly. There's no standing still until you've killed everything in one area. While not a problem, it does create some tense situations sometimes that can be hard to get through, especially if you play on a harder difficulty. Other than that however, I enjoy playing DOOM on Switch. It's a straight up port of DOOM on Switch, which is great.While there are some downgrades in graphics, some compromises made, and while it is pretty much just a port of the game with nothing "special" added (Special Costume/Weapon). It doesn't take away from an amazing FPS Shooter that anyone new to the genre can grasp and have fun with, and makes a great fit on the Nintendo Switch library and the Nintendo Library in general.
To me, this is one of the Switch games where you would ask yourself; "Do I buy it on a powerful console for the best graphics and features only to play at home or on Switch so I can play wherever I want but there is a bit of downgrade. If you do get it on Switch, you're definitely going to have a lot of fun.
Grade: B+ (Its the DOOM we know and love, just made to fit the Nintendo Switch.)
Rocket League - One of the most popular eSports... pretty much ever, is finally on Nintendo Switch. This port of the award winning game is great on Switch. To the three people in the world who have never even heard of Rocket League, in this game you drive rocket powered vehicles to play futuristic sports like Soccer, Hockey, and even Basketball. Similar to Doom there is a slight down-grade in graphics and I did notice that there is pop-in sometimes, but really that's the only real issue specifically for this version, and besides that the game looks great on Switch and runs at a great frame-rate. The controls are easy to learn and once you grasp them, you start to make your own strategies when playing the different modes online. Speaking of, this game has cross-play with XBOX and PC Users (apparently PS4 just wants to be a loner) so you always have someone to play with, your not limited to only Switch Players which is a great way to play with friends who have the game but not a Switch. The Nintendo themed cars are a fun addition to this game too. I like their designs and I'm happy they didn't just go with a generic Mario Kart design, although I would like to see that as an option one day. I think the only other problem I have with the game in general is that you need to make sure that your internet connection is good or else your game will go wonky, this is more of a PSA than a problem but I do feel that when playing online the experience definitely gets interrupted pretty bad when someone has a bad connection. Other than that, this port of Rocket League to Switch is great and pretty much a must-have for Switch Owners.
I think what ultimately makes this port good is that other than the slight graphic down-grade, nothing else was sacrificed with this port, where DOOM had to take stuff out and was just a straight-up port. This game didn't really need to get rid of anything and it has things, specifically the new battle cars, that makes it stand out on Switch. (Other than the ability to take it on the go. That goes for both this game and DOOM.)
Grade: A- (If you own a Switch and haven't gotten the chance to play Rocket League yet, this is definitely a great place to start.)
A little smaller than the last time, but I hope you guys liked this. Thanks for tuning in, and there will be way more where this came from. Catch you guys later.
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