To those who don't know, in late 2017 I made a list of 10 Wii U games that I still wanted to see come to Nintendo Switch. Fast-forward to now and not only have some of those games on the list gotten ports to the system, but some have gotten sequels/game equivalents announced. Not to mention, there aren't a lot of Wii U games left that are relevant or worth a port. We may not be scraping the bottom of the barrel, but we are definitely hitting the last stops of the train that is the Wii U Game Library. Even then, there are still some games I want ported that haven't happened yet and some games that have just come to my attention that I didn't put on the previous list. Today we will fix that.
So lets get this list done as it will probably be the last chance I'll ever have to update it. These are my 10 Wii U Games I Still Want on Nintendo Switch.