Switch 2 Direct Countdown

Nintendo Switch 2 Direct

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Final Last Chance (10 Wii U Games I Still want on Switch)

To those who don't know, in late 2017 I made a list of 10 Wii U games that I still wanted to see come to Nintendo Switch. Fast-forward to now and not only have some of those games on the list gotten ports to the system, but some have gotten sequels/game equivalents announced. Not to mention, there aren't a lot of Wii U games left that are relevant or worth a port. We may not be scraping the bottom of the barrel, but we are definitely hitting the last stops of the train that is the Wii U Game Library. Even then, there are still some games I want ported that haven't happened yet and some games that have just come to my attention that I didn't put on the previous list. Today we will fix that.

So lets get this list done as it will probably be the last chance I'll ever have to update it. These are my 10 Wii U Games I Still Want on Nintendo Switch.

Image result for ninja gaiden 3 razor's edge

10) Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

This Wii U game was actually a port of the original Ninja Gaiden 3. However, many agreed that the Wii U Port of this game was a much better port. Not by that much, but still better. Because this is already an enhanced port of the game already, this is one of the very few games that you could probably just port to Switch and not have to add that much. I think that this would be a pretty good fit on Switch. The console has a really great track record for "hardcore" M-Rated Titles like this. Another example would be the amazing Bayonetta games on Switch. The problem here is that there isn't a big reason on why this game should come to another console. By that, I mean there's no upcoming game or recent buzz behind the Ninja Gaiden Series to really warrant a port, nor was the game that popular on Wii U. This is unlike Bayonetta 2, where it was a critically acclaimed game just stuck on a dying console. However despite this, I can honestly see a lot benefit of re-releasing this game on Switch.

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9) Sonic Lost World

Sonic Lost World was the first Sonic game on Wii U. It had a different gameplay style than the previous 3D Games in the series and admittedly I didn't play too much of this game. I enjoyed the demo and I honestly would've bought it myself for Wii U, but I never got around to buying it. I also know that the game got some mixed reception from critics and fans. Despite that though, I think that it could do good on Switch. The "Deluxe" version of this game could include the really cool looking Nintendo DLC packed in and it could be a relatively decent budget title. I also think that because the game is so different from the normal Sonic games that it would stand out from games like Sonic Forces and Mania. In addition, this game did get ported PC back in 2015, so the idea of a port isn't impossible. I think this game could work on Switch, even though the chances are a bit slim.

8) NES Remix 1 & 2/Ultimate NES Remix

 NES Remix was a small budget Wii U title that took your favorite NES games and made new little challenges and remixed challenges. It later got a sequel and a 3DS port and honestly after playing it I think it could fit. I really debated on whether or not to put this game on the list, to be honest I almost decided against it. However, I felt the game was memorable enough to make a good fit on Switch. It had excellent replay value, the challenges and remixes were fun and I think it would make a great fit as one of those great quality budget games like SnipperClips. The only issue that I keep finding is that this game suffers from major "Just Make A Sequel-Itis". I'm almost sure that a SNES Remix would could come to Switch before this and at this point I'm not even sure we're getting that game yet. However, I know that if that gets announced we'll definitely get these games coming to Switch, and I'd be more than willing to pick 'em up.

7) Super Mario Maker

I feel a bit bad putting Mario Maker this low on the list, but after reasoning with myself, I think I makes sense. Super Mario Maker, for those who don't know, is a Mario level creator game that released on Wii U back in 2015. This game was actually rumored to be coming to Switch in a similar vain to Mario Kart 8 DX, which would've been a good idea if it happened. I think this game would be great on Nintendo Switch. Not only was it fun to build your own Mario courses, playing other player's courses online was just amazing. With the option to play this on the go with all of the features of the Wii U Version without the limitation of the 3DS version would be amazing.

A: Okay... So Why is it this low on the list?

Because we are never going to get a port of this game, we are going to get a sequel. The truth is, there is almost no way to add anything in this game that won't make it a sequel, and there is no way Nintendo would port this to Switch and add only 1 or 2 two changes...

This game, along with a few others like Tropical Freeze and Lego City, aren't the "definitive versions". They didn't need any enhancements or extra features. Now yes, there were added features to these games, which ended up helping them in some ways, but the games didn't need to add extra stuff.

Super Mario Maker is the kind of game that needs updating with new ideas and tools to use, not saying the base game isn't good, far from it, its just that so much time has passed and there's so much that you could add to it, it would be impossible not to think of  a "deluxe edition" as a sequel. However, this is all just speculation and my own opinion. For all I know, I could be dead wrong. Either way, I would love it if this game came to Switch, but if it does it will be its best version, and at that point its probably just going to be a sequel. Still great either way though.

6) The Wonderful 101

The Wonderful 101 is a super-hero adventure game in which you control up to 101 heroes to save the world. I wasn't too interested in this game at first, I still only have ever played the demo and was kinda turned off by the unique Game-Pad Controls. I originally put this game as an honorable mention on the original list and as a full entry on my DON'T PORT list. However, after some thinking I can definitely see this getting ported to Switch. Originally I said the controls, while they worked okay, I thought they were a bit too Game-Pad heavy to really be ported, but I'm after seeing more of the game again I think its easy to overcome. In addition Platinum Games, the company in charge of  developing both this game and the Bayonetta series, has expressed interest in putting the game on Switch. There still is the slight problem of we probably would have to have a sequel announced before this comes to Switch, but you wouldn't need that to happen just to port the game. A sequel isn't automatically the best version of a game and sometimes elements from one game don't always return in another, so its much more passable here than Super Mario Maker, where at this point a "simple DX edition" wouldn't work over a sequel. I could definitely see this game on Switch, and I'd more than happy to give the game one more chance if it does.

5) Star Fox Zero

The Wii U's entry into the Star Fox franchise. I personally really liked this game. I know it has some issues and the Game-Pad's "unique" control style is a bit hard to grasp at first. However, when I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed playing this game and I think Platinum Games (man these guys are showing up everywhere today) did a really good job. Honestly I think the controls would be improved if it came to Switch. Similar to Wonderful 101, porting this wouldn't ruin the chance of a sequel, nor do we need a sequel announced to get this game on Switch. One because Star Fox is already on Switch, thanks Starlink, and two because while this is a sequel it is still a very different game compared to other games in its series. Of course it has the key elements, but it does manage to do somethings different compared to the other games. This, in addition to it being one of Nintendo's major franchises, is why I rank it higher than Wonderful 101. I thought it was fun on Wii U, and I really think it would be just as fun on Switch.

4) Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

This entry is the most straight-forward. A fun Atlus RPG that mixes the style of Persona and Megami Tensei with the legend and characters of Fire Emblem. It got pretty good reception, and many fans enjoyed it. I think this would be a perfect on Switch. Honestly, this game is probably the only one on this list that is bound to get a straight port with no additions added, and in all honesty I don't think it needs it. The only minor issues I see is that Atlus is already making Shin Megami V, but that honestly doesn't mean anything in terms of this getting ported. Nothing else to say, a decent game on Wii U that should definitely get a chance to shine on Switch.

3) Pikmin 3

A truly portable pikmin game, yes please. This game is visually stunning on Wii U, the game-play was solid, and personally I liked the game. Not to mention that all 3 Pikmin games are still playable on Wii/Wii U with enhanced Wii controls, so a port of this game to Switch would be pretty easy. I think the only real "downside" is that Pikmin 4, which has been rumored to be very close to being finished development, will be coming to Switch soon. In turn that would make a Pikmin 3 port somewhat unnecessary. However, each Pikmin game has different elements to it where each one heavily stands out from the rest so one game wouldn't outshine the other. Although, Pikmin 4 would still have to come out/get announced first. Can't say too much else, this game, and probably the other two, are definitely worth a port/DX edition.

2) Xenoblade Chronicles X

The Sci-fi RPG set in the Xenoblade Chronicles...  universe? Multiverse? Storyline! This game just screams port. Xenoblade has already seen success on the Switch with Xenoblade 2 and its semi-standalone expansion. So porting this game to the console only makes sense. Similar to Pikmin, each game in this series has completely different elements yet still retaining the core Xenoblade elements. So not only would porting this game not overshadow any others, we already have Xenoblade 2, meaning it wouldn't be "in the way" of a release.  S: Even thought that's not how ports work...

Case in point, I think we need a Switch port for this game. However, I can think of one game that really deserves a Switch Port.
But before we do that, Shadow and Arza shall list off the Honorable Mentions.

A: Wow, you actually gave us something to do.

S: Yeah, I thought we were going to be background characters for the rest of our lives.

Will you just list 'em off, Please.


Honorable Mentions

ZOMBIU - It may have been ported to other systems, but doing that made the game lose its charm. Guess that this proves that sometimes you really can't take the "U" out of Wii U Game.

Yoshi's Woolly World - A port of this game could work, its just right now were getting Yoshi's Crafted World and these games are a bit too similar to each other.

Kirby & The Rainbow Curse - This game was way too reliant on the Wii U Gamepad and its touch controls, and at this point in the Switch's life cycle there is no way Nintendo would make a potentially Handheld only Switch Game.

Nintendo Land - Great concept for a game, but if Nintendo were to bring this to Switch, it'd be a sequel. A "Nintendo Land Resort" if you will.

Sonic Boom Rise Of Lyric - S: WHY IS THIS GAME HERE?!? B: I just wanted to mention that while I don't want this specific game on Switch, I would love to see the concept of a Sonic Game return. I think it would be cool to see a game set in this universe and this kind of gameplay, just done right of course.  S: Anyone ever tell you that you have a weird taste in games? B: Multiple times, yes.



1) Super Mario 3D World

There was not a single game I could put over this one. The first 3D 4-Player Mario Game has to come to Switch. I loved this game on Wii U. The levels were fun and colorful, I loved the playable character options, the gameplay and multiplayer was solid, the music was great, and quite honestly every Wii U owner should've picked up this game at some point. At the time, around 2017 and early-mid 2018, I understood why Nintendo didn't port this game to Switch yet. Super Mario Odyssey was the big 3D Mario Platformer for the system and they didn't want two similar 3D Mario games out there at risk of one outshining the other, and I mean that for both games. However, not only are these games vastly from each-other, enough time has passed where this game can shine without worry of another release. I was honestly shocked that they ported Captain Toad before this game, and don't even get me started on NSMBU, however I believe Captain Toad showed how you could easily adapt the gamepad controls from 3D World to the Switch. In addition, the joy-con controllers sideways would be perfect for a game like this. Plus, if you did want to try and make this a "Deluxe" Game, those Captain Toad levels that were cut from the Switch/3DS versions could come here pretty easily. I think this goes without saying that at some point, this game NEEDS to be on Nintendo Switch. Whether made into a deluxe package or just as a straight up port, I would be more than happy to pick this game up again on the Switch.

Well, I think I'm good. I don't think I'll ever have to make another list like this one ever again, but that doesn't you can't. What Wii U Game do you still want to see on Switch? Should it be deluxe or should it just get a straight up sequel?

If you want to see more you can follow me both here on the blog and on Twitter @Maziqgame. Thanks for tuning in, and there will be way more where this came from. Catch you guys later.

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