UPDATE: #1 CAME TRUE!!! I knew this was gonna happen, and we get a brand new third game to go with it. DREAMS COME TRUE, and don't let anyone tell you different. P.S. The follow-up to this list (Games I Don't Want Ported) is coming soon. Also 2 Year-End lists, Micro Review, and a Totally Off Tangent are coming soon as well. So I hope your excited for Bayonetta 1-3 on Switch and I hope you stay tuned. There will be more where this came from.
While the Wii U wasn't the success story that Nintendo wanted it still had a lot of good games that I loved and I thought deserved some new life on Switch. So I wanted to put a list of games that I thought truly deserved a port to the Nintendo Switch. That proved to be harder than I thought.
The ultimate issue with making this list was a combination of either Nintendo/Third Parties porting the games I wanted before/after I made a list (ex. MK8 DX), or they make games similar to games that were on Wii U. (Fire Emblem Warriors) Its also a little hard to think of whether a game should get a port or a full-fledged sequel. (Splatoon 2)
You can start to see an issue with making this list when the people you want to help make said list come true...
make the list come true before you even finish the list.
With all of that said, I feel like I finally made a list of games that were originally on Wii U that would be awesome to port to Switch. I think for this list I need to point out that these titles aren't in too much of a particular order. So dear readers, this is...
TOP 10 Wii U Games I Want on Nintendo Switch
(No Super Smash Bros. Allowed)