Switch 2 Direct Countdown

Nintendo Switch 2 Direct

Thursday, December 21, 2017

10 Wii U Games I DON'T WANT on Switch

Last time I made a list of games that were originally on Wii U and I thought should be ported to Nintendo Switch. (Not including Smash Bros. because, NO DUH!) Today, I wanted to look at the other side of the coin.

While I do think that most Wii U games could work on the Switch, there are still some titles that I feel just don't belong. Whether the GamePad use of the game was too great or the game just wasn't that good to me. I'm taking a look at some Wii U games that I don't want on Nintendo Switch. Also, if these games do end up coming to Switch...


I'm kidding, its perfectly fine. If Nintendo or some other publisher can find a way to do it, great. These games aren't bad, I just feel that they might be awkward/hard to port. Nevertheless, these are...

The TOP 10 Wii U Games I DON'T WANT on Nintendo Switch

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Micro Reviews

There are so many great games out there, but there are some titles that are a bit iffy. So today I'm gonna go through a few of them and give my little review of each to help you figure out what you should play and what you shouldn't. Welcome to Nintendo GamePoint+ Micro Reviews.

These reviews are more simplistic. Covering some of the important points of each game and having the same grading scale, but are smaller compared to the big game reviews. Also, this doesn't mean that the games covered here won't be given big reviews later. This is just a way to talk about some smaller games or give my general opinions on big games that I didn't/haven't given a full review for.

I hope you guys like this new formula and let me know if what games you want to see in these Micro Reviews in the comments below.

Today's Games
Pokken Tournament DX
1-2 Switch
Just Dance 2018
Sonic Mania

Saturday, November 4, 2017

10 Wii U Games I Want on Switch (NO SMASH ALLOWED!!!)

UPDATE: #1 CAME TRUE!!! I knew this was gonna happen, and we get a brand new third game to go with it. DREAMS COME TRUE, and don't let anyone tell you different.  P.S. The follow-up to this list (Games I Don't Want Ported) is coming soon. Also 2 Year-End lists, Micro Review, and a Totally Off Tangent are coming soon as well. So I hope your excited for Bayonetta 1-3 on Switch and I hope you stay tuned. There will be more where this came from. 

While the Wii U wasn't the success story that Nintendo wanted it still had a lot of good games that I loved and I thought deserved some new life on Switch. So I wanted to put a list of games that I thought truly deserved a port to the Nintendo Switch. That proved to be harder than I thought.

The ultimate issue with making this list was a combination of either Nintendo/Third Parties porting the games I wanted before/after I made a list (ex. MK8 DX), or they make games similar to games that were on Wii U. (Fire Emblem Warriors) Its also a little hard to think of whether a game should get a port or a full-fledged sequel. (Splatoon 2)

You can start to see an issue with making this list when the people you want to help make said list come true...
...make the list come true before you even finish the list.

With all of that said, I feel like I finally made a list of games that were originally on Wii U that would be awesome to port to Switch. I think for this list I need to point out that these titles aren't in too much of a particular order. So dear readers, this is...

TOP 10 Wii U Games I Want on Nintendo Switch
(No Super Smash Bros. Allowed)

Super Mario Odyssey Review

For a while, Nintendo had only one game this year that could've been Game Of The Year. Obviously that game being Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That game got 10/10's all across the board including from EDGE Magazine. From my research EDGE only gives 10/10's average about once a year. So yeah, for a while Zelda seemed to be a real goodchoice for GOTY. Until...

Now obviously there are many worthy contenders for GOTY in 2017. The only thing I'm saying is that for a while we kinda thought that Zelda would've been the obvious choice for Nintendo. Now we have Super Mario Odyssey in this friendly competition, and the choice between the two is going to be a little bit harder. So with that said, lets see how well this game stacks up.

P.S. This review won't spoil anything too major.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

So... Here's an Update

So I haven't been posting a lot since E3. Mainly its been because of things like school, job hunting (ughh...), and trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog. If I want to only do videos, only do blog posts, or a balanced mixture of the two. Ultimately, I want to do a balance of both and I'm definitely going to try. Although, it might be a little minute before more videos go out.

So, here is a little rundown of what is going to with the blog.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

E3 Final Grades

E3 has come and gone, but it hasn't left our memories... well maybe some parts. However, even the though the event has wrapped up I'm here to give my final grades on each of the companies. From their press events and how well they presented the games they showed, to the games themselves and how cool they look, and my personal thoughts & feelings on each. These are the final grades for each company and the final grade in general for E3 2017.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Nintendo Press Conference Thoughts

In short, While smaller compared to previous years, Nintendo's Showcase was really outstanding. Unlike Bethesda's half-hour showing, this showcase had a good amount of surprises and strong titles that definitely gave Nintendo a strong showing. The only thing that kind of holds it back is the fact that it was only focused on Switch & not touch on 3DS titles like previous Digital Events before it. However, with an amazing look at Mario Odyssey, confirmation of Metroid Prime 4, and many other fun surprises like Rocket League. This showcase is one part of a Nintendo E3 win.

Minor Grade: (B+/A+)

Final Grade: Coming Soon...

By the way, I want to hear your opinions, whether it be here on the blog post or in the YouTube Comments for these videos, I want to hear how you feel about the conferences.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Sony Press Conference Thoughts

In short, Sony had a good Press Conference, but maybe they went a bit too fast with it. While the games they showed looked really fun and while they did have a few surprises, I feel like they weren't as strong as the titles last year. Probably due to the fact that a lot of those titles have been given 2018 releases. Also, there was almost no points of talking between the announcements of the titles, however because there weren't a lot of heavy hitters it felt like Sony was rushing through "smaller" titles, and it felt like something was missing in the conference. While in no means a bad conference, in fact it was actually pretty strong, the titles didn't have the same sense of scale like last year. A real good conference, yet a bit lacking.

Minor Grade: (B-/B+)

Final Grade: Coming Soon...

Thanks for tuning in on my blog. By the way, I want to hear your opinions, whether it be here on the blog post or in the YouTube Comments for these videos, I want to hear how you feel about the conferences. Again thanks for tuning in and I'll catch you guys tomorrow for the big N themselves, Nintendo.

Ubisoft Press Conference Thoughts

In short, out of the three 3rd Parties Ubisoft definitely wins. They started strong with officially confirming Mario + Rabbids, had strong surprises throughout the show like the South Park Phone Destroyer & Starlink, and finished strong with Beyond Good & Evil 2. The conference itself was fun, upbeat, and I had a blast watching it. They may have not had Aisha Tyler but they definitely had some of the biggest E3 highlights so far. At least in my opinion. Great Job.

Minor Grade: (A-/A+)

Final Grade: Coming Soon

Thanks for tuning in. Only 2 Conferences left, so I'll catch you guys later with Sony. By the way, I want to hear your opinions, whether it be here on the blog post or in the YouTube Comments for these videos, I want to hear how you feel about the conferences.

Bethesda Press Conference Thoughts

In short, This was Bethesda's version of a Nintendo Direct, except without all of the Nintendo charm. Although points to them for the fun theme park styles and visuals which did add some charm to the presentation. The announcements they made were pretty decent, I liked that we got a look at the Switch version of Skyrim, and I liked that all of the announcements they made are coming this year. However, the idea of "paying for mods" brought the mood down a bit and left fans with confusion on how it works, and most of the stuff we saw were either expansions for old games that have come out, or different versions of older games. While I won't say it was horrible, because of the strong points like Wolfenstein, Evil Within 2, and even Skyrim for Switch, it was definitely not their best E3. 

Minor Grade: (D+/C-)

Final Grade: Coming Soon...

Thanks for tuning in and I'll catch you later for Ubisoft's Conference.

By the way, I want to hear your opinions, whether it be here on the blog post or in the YouTube Comments for these videos, I want to hear how you feel about the conferences.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Microsoft Press Conference Thoughts

In short, while not every game peaked my interest I was very invested by the games shown off by Microsoft. I thought they handled the introduction of the Xbox One X very well and while I don't know about buying that I am definitely thinking on getting one of the games they showed off. All-in-all, very solid conference.

Minor Grade: (B+/A-)

Final Grade: Coming Soon...

Thank you for tuning in & I'll catch you guys next time for Bethesda.

By the way, I want to hear your opinions, whether it be here on the blog post or in the YouTube Comments for these videos, I want to hear how you feel about the conferences.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

EA Press Conferences Thoughts

In short, I thought that the conference had some good games, but there weren't a lot of games shown and not a lot that I cared about, one of which was the only Nintendo Switch game shown. So to me, the show felt a bit lackluster. However, moments like Battlefront 2 and A Way Out were definitely high-points that I enjoyed.

Minor Grade: (C+/B-)

Final Grade: coming soon...

Tomorrow: Microsoft & Bethesda

Thanks for tuning in and I'll catch you guys later.

By the way, I want to hear your opinions, whether it be here on the blog post or in the YouTube Comments for these videos, I want to hear how you feel about the conferences.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ultra POKEMANZ and Tourneys

On June 6th, Nintendo held a Pokemon Direct, a surprise to most of us considering E3 is a week away, and during that time they announced some interesting things. So today, I'm going to give you guys my thoughts on what they announced and the feedback that has been given to it so lets dive in.

Here's the trailer from the Direct, just in case you missed it.

Monday, June 5, 2017

E3 Thoughts Videos

UPDATE: I've decided to put each video in its own post instead of just placing here, this will also apply the final grading of every conference soon. The post with the EA video will be up in a few minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for tuning in.

E3 is almost upon us. This post is where I will give my thoughts about each of the press conferences. However, instead of me writing down tons of words on the blog and expecting you to do that pesky reading thing, which I'm very thankful that you do, I will be posting videos of me talking about the conferences and giving my thoughts on them. Along with that, you get to see my beautiful face.

Ugh... That was a bad joke...
So anyway, I will be posting videos starting Saturday, June 10 because that is when EA has there conference, so you can expect the video some time after that, I will keep updating this post with them so stay tuned and I hope you enjoy the videos. Thanks for keeping up, and I hope you stay tuned. Catch you guys later.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

E3 Bingo Sheet

E3 is getting closer by the day. In two weeks we get see what surprises, or what used to be surprises, companies have in store for us. To help celebrate the occasion, I like to play E3 Bingo and see what gets announced every year. This year is no different and I have made a Blank Nintendo E3 Bingo Sheet for you guys right here to download and create your own predictions and see what comes true.

Don't worry, you can cross out "Nintendo" if you want to use this for another Press Event.

I also have two Bingo sheets I've made, one for Nintendo the other for Ubisoft, my personal favorite 3rd Party. I hope they give you guys some cool ideas on what to do for your lists.

Speaking of which leave a comment down below to tell me. What are you most excited to see at E3 this year? Thanks for sticking with me and I'll catch you guys later.

Yeah, I made a whole section just for Just Dance, but lets be real its gonna happen. No problems with me, I like Just Dance.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mario, Rabbids, and LEAKS!!

This is one rumor that you either believe and are very excited for, don't believe and throw in the huge pile of rumor mill trash, or anything in between. To those who don't know, when Nintendo was getting ready to have the Nintendo Switch Presentation a lot of rumors and "leaks" started appearing all over the internet. However, there was one interesting leak that came out. According to Laura Kate Dale, Nintendo had decided to work with Ubisoft and combine the Super Mario Universe with the Raving Rabbids Universe. When I first heard this, I thought that sounded so fake... just enough to be a really good rumor and really good surprise for the presentation. It wasn't announced during the presentation but many assumed that it would be announced at E3, and a lot of signs pointed to the game being real. So as time went on, I was very intrigued with this rumor and I honestly hoped that this game would talked about at Nintendo & Ubisoft's E3 Presentations. I really wanted to see more of this game... at E3... announced by Reggie Fils-Aime, or Yves Guillemot, or Aisha Tyler. The point I'm trying to get across...


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Nintendo E3 Competitions

E3 is right around the corner, about five weeks away to be more precise. While some companies have given their plans about their press conferences Nintendo has been pretty silent about this, say for two announcements specifically. One is that they won't be having a Press Conference, which means that they probably are going to go for a Digital Event and Live Treehouse Streams which is perfectly fine with me, and the one announcement that I found really cool is that Nintendo is holding a Splatoon 2 Exhibition Tournament during E3. To me, this is really exciting and I just want to share my thoughts on why this is a good idea and share my thoughts on the Nintendo E3 Competitions in general.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Review

When the Wii U was going through some troubles, a certain plumber and racing kart helped it get out of the hole it was in and became one of the Wii U's best selling games. Mario Kart 8 was great game with fun game-play, beautiful HD graphics, and DLC that you wanted to spend money on. However, while the racing aspect was the most top-notch it had been in the whole series, there was one issue. The Battle Mode on the original Wii U game was... pretty bad. Imaginative battle courses were replaced with normal race courses with sections cut off. The only game mode was Balloon Battle and no one really liked the way it was handled. So while the game overall was really good, the battle mode really held MK8 back. Until...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Top 5 Worst Uses of amiibo

I like amiibo, out of all the toys-to-life games that have come in recent times I feel the amiibo is more superior. However I know that while some games have really great uses for amiibo like Mario Maker and Smash Bros. There are the some games that use amiibo in pretty bad ways, so were here to look at those.
Haven't seen this one for while.

For this Top 5 list there are some rules. First off, this list won't just be filled of "tap-to-earn" gimmicks like in Mario Kart 8 or Hyrule Warriors. Plus, I'm not even considering games like amiibo Tap and Mini Mario amiibo Challenge because those games are free and if you don't want them, DON'T BUY THEM. 

So with that out of the way. These are the Top 5 Worst uses of amiibo.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 12th Nintendo Direct (Switch and 3DS Headlines)

Nintendo held a Nintendo Direct on April 12th to talk specifically about ARMS and Splatoon 2. However During this direct, they also gave us some info on a few other games coming out for Nintendo 3DS & Switch. I already gave my thoughts on ARMS & Splatoon in my last post, which I know all of you read. So today, I'll give you my thoughts on some of the headlines that were announced. If you want to check out these headlines for yourself I'll put the links for them in this post.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 12th Nintendo Direct (Splatoon 2 & ARMS)

Nintendo Recently had their latest Nintendo Direct for April talking about some upcoming Nintendo 3DS and Switch titles along with a better look at ARMS and Splatoon. First I'm going to give you my thoughts on the main attractions, Splatoon 2 and ARMS, then later I'll give my thoughts on the other announcements on another post. If you want to watch for yourself here are the links to the individual ARMS & Splatoon 2 Sections.

Here are my thoughts, DIRECTLY to you.
(-_- I miss Iwata...)

Also, let me know your thoughts on this and what games your excited for. The comment section is down there for a reason...
...Its so lonely.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

TOT: Top 10 Hatsune Miku Songs

Today I'm going off tangent to talk about one of the most powerful forces on the face of this earth... the power of music! Specifically Vocaloid music.

I'm actually a huge vocaloid fan. I love listening to music from Rin & Len, Luka, GUMI, and of course Hatsune Miku. So today I thought I would go the Watchmojo route and make a Top 10 List. 

A few rules for this list: Hatsune Miku Only - These are solo songs sung by Miku herself. No help from other Vocaloids. Sorry Matryoshka & World's End Dancehall. Another thing is that the songs here are, for lack of better words, "legit" songs. Songs that would actually end up the radio or you would be more likely to put on your mp3. Sorry Ilevan Polka and PoPiPo :( With that Out of the way...

These are my Top 10 Hatsune Miku Songs.

If you want to hear these songs for yourself, I will put the links to them on the list.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Splatoon 2 Testfire Thoughts


Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posts for a while. However, I am back now and I made a promise to talk about a certain demo that happened two weeks ago. So now, I'm going to give you my thoughts on the Splatoon 2 Testfire and my first thoughts on Splatoon 2.

Also, I get 500 bonus idiot points for not taking any screen captures on my Switch. Aren't I SMRT.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Nintendo Switch Quick Reviews

So I have my Nintendo Switch and after about two weeks with it I can safely say that it is NOT WORTH YOUR MONEY!! YOU SHOULD JUST BUY THE ORGINAL WII BECAUSE NINTENDO IS GONNA FAIL MISERABBLEY WITH THIS PEICE OF JUNK XD XD...

...Said nobody ever.

Honestly, I love this thing. I love using those controllers, I love how I am able to play with my friends at school and most importantly, I have soaked in so many hours of Zelda. Now I'm just waiting for Mario Kart.

If you haven't picked one up yet, you totally should. As we get closer to April and more games start to become available there are more reasons to get the Nintendo Switch.

So far I have 3 games for Switch, and I thought I would give you my opinion on them. I am a bit late to the review party for these games but still. So here are some Quick Reviews, I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

TOT (Totally Off Tangent): Tangled: Before Ever After

So, to the 10-12 people who actually read this blog, whose readership I very much appreciate, you might recall that on my very first post I added a plus(+) to the name of the blog in case I ever decided to talk about anything not Nintendo/Video Game related.

Today I put this power into use, but just in case I decided to make this a separate part of my blog called TOT (Totally Off Tangent). This I made specifically for the purpose of talking about things non-game related. Hopefully it keeps the blog interesting and I promise it won't take away too much from the main premise of the blog. Now with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the post for the today.

I am a HUGE Disney fan, and one of my personal favorite Disney movies was Tangled. It was funny, the animation was beautiful, I loved the two leads, and, naturally, I was really happy when I heard that they are making a Tangled TV series. I just finished watching the first Tangled TV Series episode pilot and I thought it was...
...a really good start to a TV Series that I hope answers some questions left behind. Nevertheless, this is my review of Tangled: Before Ever After.


Friday, March 3, 2017

EA "E3" Plans

One piece of E3 news that I didn't mention was about EA. I wanted to  make this separate from the main piece about the news because I have a lot to say about it. Some of this is good, Some of it...

...yeah, lets get this started.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

E3 News Already?!

It might only be near the start of March, but that doesn't mean anything. E3 news is starting to flourish up in small doses. I say small doses, but in reality the news that came about the past few weeks is pretty big. I'm going to focus on three specific announcements. The reasons are: 1) There really are just 3 important topics to discuss and 2) There is a something interesting to talk about for each one. So lets get right into it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Nintendo Switch Countdown

In less than 16 days (at the time of this post), the Nintendo Switch will be in our grasp. Unless you didn't pre-order it like I did, in that case...
Good luck on eBay

Monday, February 13, 2017

Let the Quest Begin...

Welcome to this new personal project of mine called Nintendo Game Point+, the plus is there just in case I go off tangent and talk about something NOT video game related.

I made this blog to give information, news updates, and my own opinions on Nintendo Games (obviously, like 90% of this blog will pertain to that), other video game information, maybe a video or two, and anything that I want to share with you guys that's nerdy and fun. All of which will be given in a fun and unique perspective. Plus I make jokes...


So, I do hope you enjoy this blog, as I will have fun making it for you guys. Catch you guys later.